D3.1 Review of future electricity market options

The BestRES project investigates the current barriers for aggregators and suggests ways of improving the role of aggregators in future electricity market designs. As a part of the project, key power market design elements for facilitating the market entry of renewable energy aggregators have been analysed by means of interviews with project partners in the countries covered by the BestRES consortium: The United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus. To complement these interviews, an extensive literature study was performed and results of the previous project activities were equally used as input.

D3.2 Improved Business Models of selected aggregators in target countries

Within the BestRES project, business models identified in the report “Existing business models for renewable energy aggregators” have been further improved allowing aggregators to offer new products and services.

In this context, the present report presents improved business models for aggregators in selected European target countries. These improvements address multiple aspects, such as a more competitive trading of renewable generation, better customer relationships and more integrated energy service provision (e.g. energy management, maintenance, etc.).